Cards with links shouldn't go to edit mode when link is clicked


When you ⌘/Ctrl-click a link on a card, the card itself goes into edit mode. This feels janky. It probably shouldn’t do this:)

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The reason this happens and can’t easily be prevented is because the card opens on mousedown (for a variety of reasons, one of which is responsiveness). The link starts opening on mouseup. So by the time the app knows that you want to open a link, the card is already opened.

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Can the link button be excluded/filtered so it doesn’t trigger the whole card opening?

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i got it working, also b/c so many ppl have asked for it over time, i’ll also add a user preference for opening links on a card in a new tab


you can try this out for yourself at

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I’m still seeing the card go into edit mode when I click the link button right now (on the staging site)…

this link button?

Screen Shot 2022-01-01 at 11.28.54 PM

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Yep, when I ⌘-click, it opens the edit dialog. Or if I have the new option toggled, when I click on that button, it opens the edit dialog.

:rofl: you kept your word

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a new fix released, try it in 5 :slight_smile:

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