Minor issues in large spaces

Trying to find a commonality in all these cases, do all the connections that break have at least one card with markdown in them maybe?

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I don’t think so?

But I think it happens when I have opened in iOS Safari recently? Maybe?

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it’s most likely a race condition (which is why I can’t repro it), the connection line recalculates at the wrong time depending on card contents and device speed


I saw the so-called truncation issue today in this space. I created it in the morning, and when I revisited it this evening, one of the cards is missing two characters (KairosKair).


Note: this is not a large or complicated space.

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taking a look now…

spaceid: CiUdf4v1AIJWQtD-uVwMc
cardid: CixNLHA62cZ3FGHUH5XRU

observed: “Kair”, 4 chars
expected: “Kairos”, 6 chars

card timeline:

2:25pm: card created
2:25pm: name updated, 4 chars

no other name update events recorded on server:

  • are there any console errors? anything left in the localStorage.queue or localStorage.queueBuffer?
  • client error? in squashing or debouncing the queue (unlikely, but possible): was the name updated to ‘kairos’ all at once or was card editing spaced out over time?
  • network error? somehow the request never made it from the client to the server? There are subsequently recorded createConnection events to the card as expected though.

tldr: No real obvious culprits/solutions, but maybe some clues here

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I didn’t see any when I checked. Nothing is left in those queue/queueBuffer.

I typed it all at once.


And on the topic of misrendered connections, I just saw this on https://kinopio.club/-kinopio-emphasis-examples-q78WvkvTh9EZwgLPKinfF

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oh great test space, I’ve duplicated it and i’ll use it to adjust the automatic connection fixing system

Just to confirm, on my end I, too, typed everything at once and didn’t leave the card open.


ahh ya that’s a good clue, think I have some ideas now

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Back to the data loss issue. I just noticed one of the cards I created is missing:

I created these cards as you would imagine (sequentially and rapidly). Somehow 3 never made it to the server?


(I hope the various issues in this thread aren’t getting too muddled and hard to follow)

Regarding the data loss I most recently reported, here are some observations, which suggest that the card didn’t get deleted/never created. Let me try to document what I did:

  1. I navigated to https://kinopio.club/-kinopio-formatting-examples-q78WvkvTh9EZwgLPKinfF this morning and created a card. I observed the same thing above where the 3 card was missing and the connection was generally shaped like it was connected to where I originally put it.
  2. I navigated away to another space and did other stuff on my computer.
  3. I came back to the formatting space (via the space browser menu), and I saw the connection had moved:

  1. I navigated away (via space browser) and came back to this space. Then I saw the 3 card in the upper-left corner, and the connection leading that way!

I guess it was somewhere all along? Next time this happens, I’ll remember to look more deeply at the space to see if the card is there and what its properties (x, y, z, etc) are. maybe that will provide further clues what is going on. throughout this time, I did not see any console errors.

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and then I just loaded this space once again, and now the 3 card is somewhere off screen to the south:

I don’t see the card anywhere in the space (whereas earlier today it looked like it was at 0, 0 – I didn’t confirm).

here’s is what I get from the API:

      "id": "MzwkYeqZ3Wijc79vSMlyS",
      "x": null,
      "y": null,
      "z": null,
      "name": "3",
      "frameId": null,
      "isRemoved": false,
      "nameUpdatedAt": "2021-04-01T19:07:23.741Z",
      "nameUpdatedByUserId": "6o4sjl9-M222hkJ4Ne-t4",
      "linkToSpaceId": null,
      "commentIsVisible": false,
      "createdAt": "2021-04-01T19:07:23.754Z",
      "updatedAt": "2021-04-01T19:07:23.754Z",
      "spaceId": "q78WvkvTh9EZwgLPKinfF",
      "userId": null

The positions are null. I assume that’s what it was before. is the position not deterministic when the value is null? this behavior is weird

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ya this is new knowledge, but very helpful. Thank you! I plan to spend all of monday/tues on this issue (and the connection lines one).

Are you seeing this issue more on ur work vpn?

No correlation between home or work network. Happens equally it seems :slight_smile:

btw I’ve been noticing more misplaced cards and slightly off connections in the recent days/weeks.

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Investigating performance/dyno issues from the heroku side first, filed a support ticket and I’ll try some things there. It looks like the api server may not be using more than it’s allocated compute, but it’s not super clear right now.

( internal references:
https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/application-load-testing#errors, https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/node-concurrency, https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/request-timeout#debugging-request-timeouts)


RE incorrect connection paths: released a fix where if the space data was loaded before the kinopio webfont was loaded the connections paths would be incorrectly calculated

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really minor, I just wanted to mention, I just loaded a space via the favorite spaces browser, and some of the card widths were off. as soon as I clicked away from the browser menu, it fixed itself.

I am at 78% scaling.

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i can’t repro, that might’ve been a 1-time glitch from the update tho?

yeah, no big deal. I saw this once or twice previously, too. but since it fixes itself, it is super minor. I mainly wanted to report so you have some more clues in case it is a symptom of a bigger and more serious problem :wink: cheers!