Problems with duplicating a space

  1. Create a new space. It has the default cards.
  2. Add some cards.
  3. Duplicate the space.
  4. Observe that the duplicated space has none of the cards I added in step 2). But it does have the default cards.

I tried a slightly different scenario. Similar results but:

  1. Create a new space. It has the default cards. Remove those default cards.
  2. Add some cards.
  3. Duplicate the space.
  4. Observe that the duplicated space has none of the cards I added in step 2). But it does have the default cards that I had deleted.

I don’t see any console errors.

Update 1: I tried running through the first scenario again about 10 minutes later. This time I did get the cards duplicated, but in a different position than the current one. What it seems like is happening is that an older version of my space is being duplicated rather than the current one.

Update 2: Okay, so I was trying to interact with the copy, and I couldn’t paint-select any of the cards. I did a reload of the page, and now the space is how I expected it in the first place: all the cards are in the same position as the original space.

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will look into soon. was this on edge?

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I think it was the mac app. It’s not 100% reproducible, either :confused:

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I duplicated :toolbox: Tools Tools Tools – Kinopio

and I got this copy: :toolbox: Tools Tools Tools copy – Kinopio

It is missing a bunch of cards.

I tried it again, and the duplicate seemed to work better.

by ‘seemed to work’ better you mean all the cards worked on the second time? this sounds like a possible race condition

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Yes, it looked like it worked completely. But I didn’t comprehensively confirm—just perused the space :wink:

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Yes, I’ve seen space duplication take two attempts pretty often.


fix released