Returning to Space - Multiple Devices

Hard to explain this one…

Say I start on device Alpha and then close out Kinopio while on space 123…

Then I open space 123 on device Beta and make some changes.

Upon returning to device Alpha, it opens on space 123, but it doesn’t reload the changes made until I go to another space and then return to it.


Ya this is a bug I’ve seen before too

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when you see this happen again, can you paste in your console log ?

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Typically it’s when returning to iPad or iPhone, but I’ll test with MacBook today.


note to self: check what triggers checkIfShouldNotifySpaceOutOfSync.

other browser tabs might not be unloaded at all, so use an hourly timer as a fallback

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added a potential fix for this, let me know if you see this issue in the future

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