Sort places by alphabet

As the number of spaces I have grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to find them. I guess this problem will have to be addressed in some way in the future.

However, one small thing that might help me is the ability to sort pages by different aspects, e.g. alphabetically.


i agree with the core problem, but would alphabetical sorting really help? Can you tell me more about the scenario you’re thinking of?


Yeah, alphabetical sorting is actually rather an emergency solution than the proper one. :confused: Better than nothing (still ability to actually find what you have) but not great.

What could be the solution otherwise?
A command pallet that would provide a search among all spaces and cells like this?

Or something else?
I have to think.

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You can currently search by space name. You can also search for cards globally. Do those help?

You are right. I am thinking why it does not work for me :confused: … (in the sense that I don’t feel that it is enough).

Maybe it could help if there was an integrated search where this would not only search in cards, but also in names of spaces?

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in the meantime, if you’re looking to search for just space names you can do with the search field above the list of your spaces (cmd-k)



Yeah, I know and I am using it but somehow, it does not feel as fixing my needs. Not sure why…