Team onboarding / inviting new users

bumping up for myself, and bc this has come up again recently

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Would you (or your company) pay ~99$/mo for the ability for you to create/administer teams? (pricing based on basecamp)

If there’s still enough interest in this, it might make sense to prioritize

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I don’t think my org would buy into it unfortunately. When our Scrum Master saw Kinopio, he said it “looked like Miro” (:scream::scream::scream:) which we already pay team pricing for :cry:


Thanks, that’s good to know now rather than later :slight_smile:

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(adding my data point) Any kind of team plan doesn’t work in my situation because we have a policy of only using approved tools. The process for getting approved is elaborate and requires things such as security audits, etc. The big motivation is to protect our company intellectual property.

I’m not super familiar with the process, but I do know that for years, we had an advocate inside the company to get Trello approved. Even after they were acquired by Atlassian, it was still laborious. It required getting enough users signed on for a pilot. It never materialized, that advocate left, so still no Trello at the company.

So, I’m just using Kinopio as a personal tool that I occasionally share and don’t put any proprietary stuff on there. Hence, a team plan doesn’t make sense in my context.


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Apps focused on team works usually turnes into a behemoths of an app with a huge learning curve and super expensive after a while.

You only need to take a look at Evernote and Milanote to observe this tendency.


yup for all these reasons i’ve basically cancelled plans for formal team stuff. That market is just not compatible with kinopio


I’'m not as sure nowadays how I feel about teams, I think there’s a way to do it right in a way that doesn’t compromise the normal person user experience. Based on the feedback above, any teams plan wouldn’t be for the fortune 500 that have in-depth approval processes, but for smaller startups/teams-within-large-companies. But I’m still taking a “wait and see how the demand evolves” approach.

That said, pinging here to ask about the whether the ability to email ppl space invites is still an important feature for you to use at work?

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invite as email requested in Discord

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working on inviting by email, here’s a rough draft of the ui based on the google docs but simplified for v1 scope - no fancy email autocomplete, but I may save your last sent emails and prefill it for next time. UI thoughts?

i’m not sure if a username should be Required to email invites (so I can say tell ppl who the invite is from), but it will warn/remind you to add a username if you don’t already have one
CleanShot 2024-01-27 at 09.39.56

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