Testing new click to pan feature (Windows okay, issues with Mac)

I will test it :).

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So, on I see some issues on Windows/Vivaldi:

  1. It does not work as “hold and move”. Instead, I have to hold the button for a moment (not too short otherwise it cancels) and move the mouse elsewhere without releasing it. However, at that moment, space does not move yet!
  2. Then I have to release the button. Space jumps a little and the mode stays in “hold”. And this moment, I can move the space.
  3. Finally, to deactivate it, I need to press the right button again (just shortly).
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can repro , fixing now


do you see this in chrome/edge too , or just vivaldi?

Edge works perfectly. I will test others.

Firefox seems to be also fine.

yup, it looks like this is a vivaldi specific bug created by their right click gesture feature. It’s not something that can be solved at the app level. Instead you’ll need to disable mouse gestures from settings -> mouse -> uncheck allow gestures

then it’ll work great. For vivaldi users, space bar to pan will be the recommendation.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention :slight_smile:


Great! Thank you :). Yeah, I have forgotten about these!
If it is caused by mouse gestures, it could also affect Opera.


Now it works perfectly, since I deactivated mouse gestures :).


But honestly, how many Opera users are still there :D… So probably no big issue.


lol about Opera.

maybe I’m a fuddy duddy, but I like the right-mouse-button-drag to pan a lot better than the holding-for-1-second :stuck_out_tongue: