User dialogs don't close properly


I can’t get these dialogs to close when I click away from them. I guess they only close when you click on the user avatar. Is that the right behavior?

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it looks like a bug, does this happen when clicking on all users or only spectators? or other ppl?

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I think all users. In the screenshot it’s creator and spectators at least.

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i’m not able to repro this anymore, I might have accidentally fixed it. can you confirm whether you still see this?

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I was seeing this yesterday (or even earlier today), but I just tried a few test cases and I could not reproduce this. So, confirming this is fixed :slight_smile:

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I saw this bug again, and once I was in that state, I could keep reproducing it (click on user to open user dialog, try to paint and observe it doesn’t close). It was very disconcerting and I originally didn’t notice the dialog was open, and I was going to report that I can’t click to create a card.

But I just reloaded the page, and I can’t reproduce it anymore. I’ll try to get steps.

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I saw this again.

I went to this space and clicked on the user avatars.


After reloading, I couldn’t repro. But then I navigated away and tried again and I reproed again.

I’m seeing this problem again.

In that first case, I clicked on the spectator, and then the other collaborator, and the spectator one didn’t go away.

I went to another space and reproed it.


I don’t see any errors in the console.

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In both cases you click a spectator first to repro?

No, I was able to repro clicking on other avatars as well.

I saw this again:


This dialog isn’t closing if I click on the canvas.


I can close the dialogs by clicking on the user avatar only.

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I’m seeing this on the iPhone app. Reproduced it after a reload, too.

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yup it’s not client dependent, it’s on the docket to fix soon

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shipped a potential fix, seemed to work on my dev env. let me know what you see

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Seeing this again on the mac app…


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can repro (sometimes), thx

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Again in Orion browser. I clicked on one user, then clicked on the one to right.

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thx for bumping this, i’ll make a note to fix this next after copy/paste improvements


it’s hard to be 100% sure with this one , but i’ve shipped a potential fix. please do lmk or re-open if you still see the issue though

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I just saw this again:


On prod. I clicked on humdrum, then on me. My user dialog came underneath. I think that’s different behavior, but still the other one didn’t close.