Windows: "Select All Cards Below Cursor" doesn't work

Ctrl + Shift + A shortcut doesn’t work in Windows. In Firefox it opens up the addons menu and in Chrome it opens up the tab search.

I don’t think it ever worked tbh. I remember trying a long time ago but forgot about it…
Then I saw my sister use it on macOS today and I got jealous hahaha


I noticed that this no longer works on macOS for me anymore. It def used to work. So maybe this issue is not specific to Windows (although weird that it worked for your sister)…

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Oh hmm, I was just using it today and it worked :frowning:

I’ll try to repro on Ff or on a Best Buy pc. Is there an alternate/additional keyboard shortcut you’d recommend for this?

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Sorry, now it is working for me again on macOS. So maybe ignore what I said? Very strange, I’m 95% sure I was pressing the right key combination. I definitely tried for a prolonged period of time when I was reproducing it.

Cmd Shift A isn’t working on Safari for mac for me.

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Hm ya I use safari for Mac as well and it works for me :frowning:
So I’ll try it some more and see if I can repro tho

update: on new safari 15, can’t repro any issues. Does safari 15 work differently for you?

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Ah I’m on 14.1…


kicking it oldschool :slight_smile:

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I had reproduced it on Safari 15

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Don’t stress if most people are on 15. Holding off on updating anything after iOS 15 just bricked my iPad and I won’t be getting one back until I’m back from my trip… :pleading_face: