Bug When deleting linked cards

The parsing of cards is erratic. If i put a url, but then remove, its like it doesn’t parse anymore, and then the card just appears broken.

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Here’s a video: bugs in kinopio.mov - Google Drive

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I couldn’t properly reproduce with these steps. How was the initial card in your video created, because it appeared to have an empty preview before you even pasted into it.

When I follow these steps:

  1. copy a card share url
  2. open another space
  3. click to create a new card
  4. paste in the card share url
  5. observed that the card url preview appears as expected
  6. then open that card again and remove the url from it
  7. observe that the url preview disappears because the url is no longer present in the card as expected

CleanShot 2024-04-20 at 10.27.12

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