Scrolling broken on global search (ios)

Trying to scroll through search hit items on the global search function on ios. Trying to scroll through the items but end up scrolling the space it’s in, not the list of search results


is your finger scrolling on the search results or on the top of the dialog window (where the filter options are)? Only scrolling on the items of the list (eg the ‘search cards’ field and everything below it) will scroll the list

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Fingers on search results only. Definitely not touching anything else. Interestingly this only happens when I do a global search across all spaces, not in local space.

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Oh also in local search, it looks like the search isn’t happening for the full text string, but any combination within the string. For example, if I search for “fluid” it tags all cards that have “ui”, “u”, “flu” etc. I don’t know if this is relevant or should be a separate thread.